Cute Cookie Girls is a project I got commissioned for.
CONTEXT: I got commissioned to design cute cookie girls in Adobe Illustrator. Or basically to draw one body and then create different assets on different layers so you'd be able to make different characters by just turning the layers on and off. I designed different body colors, body decors, eyes, mouths, cheeks, hair styles, hats, necklaces and dresses - 75 assets in total ( I only shared a few examples here). The project is still under closure so I can't share more infos.
REALISATION: I designed one basic body and gave each color a different layer. Then I added decors like chocolate pieces or cream decor on different layers to enable even more variants. Same goes for different types of eyes, mouth and cheeks as well as the hair. Dresses, neck- and hair accessories are on different layers as well. Each asset is compatible with the other, so you can combine them however freely which was the goal in this project.
TECHNOLOGY: Adobe Illustrator
PROJECT MEMBERS: Marie Petters (art), Mehmet Barutcu (commissioner)